This 49-year-old woman wanted her breasts to be larger and fuller. At 5’7 and 122 lbs, she was a 34 A, but wanted to be at a C cup, so she began looking for a Los Angeles breast implants specialist who could enlarge her breasts while still making them look natural.
When she met with her surgeon at Marina Plastic Surgery Associates, she discussed what size she wanted her breasts to be. To enhance her breasts to her desired size, during her Los Angeles breast augmentation procedure, her surgeon inserted 350 cc cohesive gel implants into both breasts, placing them under the muscle, which provides stability and a more natural-looking slope to the breasts. Her surgeon also chose to use a periareolar incision, which is around the areolas, or the skin around the nipple. This ensures minimal scarring which blends into the darker skin, diminishing the scar’s appearance.
After her surgery, this patient achieved a 34 C breast size. She is very pleased with her breast size and shape and is happy that she chose Marina Plastic Surgery Associates for her surgery.